10 July 2007

A Quick Update on Us

Because it's been a little while since my last post, I'll give you an update on what is happening with us. As you can imagine from the lack of frequent postings, I've been rather busy!

I've been asked what I think about our pending move to Kolkata. The best answer I can give, because it's the most honest, is that I really have been too busy to process any emotion, or even realize that Hubby will be officially starting his post there in one week. Among the irons in my fire are selling various items on Craigslist, selling my car to the CarMax dealer near my parents' house, giving away items via Freecycle, opening bank accounts at banks that have branches both in the U.S. and in Kolkata, getting our house rented, and packing. Needless to say, I've been to busy to process much beyond task management.

I suppose the house is starting to come together. At least our wall hangings have been removed and closets emptied. We also miraculously found a tenant! I was amazed that we had a rental agreement signed within a week of it being put on the market.

We've got a PODS (Portable On-Demand Storage) unit sitting in our driveway. We need to have it filled with any furniture that won't fit up the stairs to the attic by Thursday because we're supposed to have it taken away by then. Also on Thursday, we scheduled junk haulers to come to our house. On Friday, the movers are coming. Hubby leaves for India late Friday afternoon.

Maybe by then I'll have time to process emotion.


thislifewelive said...

Colleen, here's to a safe and easy move! I will have you all in my thoughts!

thislifewelive said...

Colleen, happy and SAFE travels! Keep us posted on your blog!