Wrapping My Head Around It All
Last night was my first night in a while trying to sleep without Ambien. It went remarkably well, considering we leave in two days. I still woke up a few times, but managed to go back to sleep pretty quickly.
There is just so much to think about, and I'm only now starting to wrap my head around it all.
There's just so much to do! The property managers came by today. In preparation for that, Hubby suggested that the Little Guy and I head to my parents' house for the weekend while he cleaned and got rid of some clutter. In the process, he discovered just how much clutter managed to accumulate in the closets, the attic, and the basement. It's amazing how it multiplies, and we've only lived there for five years. I have a feeling many things will be donated or stored. He also tidied up the lawn, shampooed the family room carpet, and strategically rearranged furniture to cover stains. There's still so much to do, and I have no idea how we'll manage considering our time here is limited.
Now that our property managers have seen our house, there are a few new items added to the to-do list. In addition to emptying our house of personal effects, we also need to get our kitchen painted and consult a roofer about water-stained cracks on the kitchen ceiling by the skylight. High-end renters are picky, we're told, so it's best to fix obvious problems without breaking the budget. I did make it clear that the less we have to manage ourselves the better since we're going to be busy enough as it is.
I'm starting to wonder if I'll crash into massive culture shock once the frenzy has slowed.